Our Focus

Log Hollow Farms, the future site of York College, is a permaculture farm and off-grid living center. We focus on growing food, bringing back old methods and an offering of ideas on sustainable living.

We aim to offer a distinctive approach to education that is available to all students, particularly those that have been underserved in their communities.

The best learning - about the self and about community - happens when you fully engage your mind and body in the work. York Agricultural college aims to offer a distinctive approach to education that intentionally integrates academics, work, and community engagement to develop diverse, talented, and powerful graduates. We empower graduates to pursue meaningful careers and lead purposeful lives dedicated to a just, equitable, and sustainable world.

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Working and Reconnecting with Nature through Permaculture and Restoration

Log Hollow Farms, the future site of York College of Agriculture and Technology, is a mile stretch along a bend on the Chehalis River. The land was heavily logged when founders Rohn and Amy Amegatcher began restoring it through permacuture. The project has been seven years in the making for Rohn and Amy Amegatcher, who see that the future of permaculture is patiently working with nature generationally.

“The conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive systems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of the landscape with people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.” - Bill Mollison (1978)
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